Sweet Barcelona
A few years ago, I found myself in Barcelona over a long weekend. Every city has its rhythms and cycles. Barcelona was a revelation. I'd been to Paris. Beijing. London. Amsterdam. They each had their patterns and vibe. Barcelona (Barthelona in the local Catalan dialect) was...like none of these. Streets filled up on Friday evening and people did their shopping and then dined, socialized and strolled late into the evening. Saturday, I had a chance to visit La Sagrada Familia, a cathedral under construction for more than a lifetime, to be finished (barring economic collapse, or perhaps in spite of it) in another decade or so. This was the work of mastermind Antoni Guadi. It is a masterpiece of imagination and dreaming. Most impactful was the statue of Jesus near the top of the spires, sitting on a stone bridge, not impaled on a cross, but sitting peacefully looking down on the city below. Like a gentle sentinel, he watches out for Barcelona.Saturday evening was in some ways a rerun of Friday, but less intense. There was a Dragon's Futbol game on, and one could hear shouts of joy and agony coming out of every apartment, bar and electronics shop that had a television. The streets were oddly empty. I had late tapas and perhaps too much wine, as I woke early Sunday with a nasty head cold. It was raining. I ventured out to find a pharmacy. Nothing much was open. A bakery or two. The nearby pharmacies, with their green crosses in the window, were closed, but had helpful signs informing the unfortunate where an open pharmacy could be found. I survived the day on pastry, coffee, and some kind of head cold remedy the kind chemist provided after I used the universal "plugged up nose, sneezing, headache" gestures.

I sent Sweet Barcelona into a few contests, along with some other songs. In April, I got a nice email from the West Coast Songwriters 2012 International Song Contest congratulating me for an Honorable Mention for Sweet Barcelona. Its the first time anything submitted anywhere has gotten any kind of mention, honorable or not, so thanks West Coast Songwriters! And thanks Tim!
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